The SafeTrack Composite Floor System is a ready-made, form-fitted, insulated floor embedded with L-track. The L-track allows you to add modular accessories, such as VanEquipped or Travois RNR seat/beds, that are variable location on demand and easy in/out. Variable location is great, for example, one weekend you can move the seat forward and have a bike garage, the next weekend you can push it back and maximize your cabin space.
The one-piece floor is a glued down install which is a huge time saver vs. floors requiring assembly and many bolt-in fixed location seat installs that may require dropping the tank and other under van complexities. Because it is one piece assembly, our floor does not squeak or make any additional noise. The insulation provides both thermal and audio protection.
European made and crash tested to North American and European standards. SafeTrack Floor and seat beds are M1, 30 second extended pull and 10 second reverse pull tested. Engineered, built and tested to relevant FMVSS standards.